Thursday, February 13, 2020

Will Goes Low on Slow Joe

Those of you who have stuck with this blog since the beginning know Mrs. Stroock is from Delaware and we went to school there. The state is even smaller than it looks, three counties with three population centers and a trio of big job providers Dupont, MBNA, and Purdue. It's the small town of small states and everyone knows everybody else. When our mother-in-law died in 2002, it became a running gag that someone with whom we dealt, EMT, mortician, etc, said, 'You know, she was my math teacher.' 

In Delaware one bumps into the politicians at the store, the beach, etc. etc. Once you're in, you're in. Some of the people who were running things in Delaware when we arrived in 1992 are running things now. Take Senator Tom Carper, for instance.

Joe Biden, a man of no great means, talent or intellect was a beneficiary of Delaware. As the years passed, the public reelected him again and again. Biden earned decades of seniority in the Senate. He had two failed presidential bids (1988 and 2008). These were not serious efforts but vanity campaigns only Biden didn't know it.  Failed Labour leader Neil Kinnock seems an odd man to plagiarize, but Delaware Joe did it.

By 2008 Biden chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  He'd been wrong about every foreign policy issue America faced during his long career, but no matter. Seniority is seniority. That year Barry's people decided they needed to shore up his foreign policy credentials, and for some reason thought Biden was the way to so this. In any event, Biden became VP. He was an older, creepier, even more gaff prone Dan Quayle.

Biden's last year has been cruel, politically and personally.  On live TV we've watched his mental faculties degrade. Biden's become a confused and doddering old man. Every day Biden embarrasses himself on stage. Each viral clip is humiliating in a unique way. How could anybody chose just one viral clip to highlight?  His son became punch line. The man who was once the establishment favorite finished a sad 5th in New Hampshire. Now the only question is when will he pack it in. Who's gonna tell him?

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