Saturday, March 7, 2020

Saturday Updates

Announced Coronavirus cases, Chindia: 0.0


Four in New Jersey.

French: J' Sez Pas. J' Sez Pas.

We broke our plan and decided to take out Nederlandse and have a look. Reading the Ruud Lubbers chapter. So far, so good.

We will have the Three Seas MS Absolutely done for final proofing this weekend. Will read quickly and get it up for publishing. April 1. Or can you people wait till May Day? Fuck it all.

Nuke story coming along swimmingly and nightmarishly. 'Hey Colorado Springs isn't....Whoops, there she goes. They got it.' Being a Yankee from moutnains not used to being able to see more than a mile in any direction, we're assumming that in central Colorado one can see all up and down the base of the Rockies.

Working the Final Storm intro chapters. Also coming along swimmingly.

Gym, one hour, four miles, three times this week. Plus on an alternate day we did fifteen minutes at 4.5. Went well. Sometimes we amaze even ourselves.

There is no life for Will. Only Will trying desperately to finish his books. Three this year. Final Storm early 2021. Also a dance-taxi service four days a week. Oh, and bus stop dad duty.

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