Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Chindian Vignette Two, Electric Booglaoo

Below are the questions our friend in the local Chinese American community sent us, and our answers.

-what is your general impression of the ethnic Chinese population here in the USA

Very positive. Great immigrants. Great Americans.

-what is your general impression of the Chinese people in China

Generally positive.

-what is your general impression of the Chinese government?

Communist pigs. They learned nothing from the massive mistakes the Soviets made at Chernobyl, especially covering it up. Gorbachev thinks Chernobyl was the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union. Between the imprisonment of a million Uighurs, the Hong Kong Protests, Trump’s victory in the trade war, and now the Wuhan Virus, Beijing has lost a lot of face. It’s a miracle they didn’t send the tanks into Hong Kong. Maybe they felt they couldn’t get away with it? A reckoning will come between the West and the Politburo in Beijing. Also, Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh.

-Do you think the Chinese people in China are for or against the Chinese government? 

I have no idea about people’s opinions in a country where it is illegal to hold certain opinions. I suspect if people could vote they’d vote Xi Jinping out, just like the people of Nicaragua did to Communist Danny Ortega in 1989.

-Do you think the ethnic Chinese here in the USA are for or against the Chinese government? 

Don’t really know. Probably both. Back when I was a history professor, I had Chinese students tell me Taiwan was rightfully China’s. The presence of Chinese people here suggests many of them don’t like the communist government.

-In the hypothetical situation when China (current government) and US are at war, what percentage of ethnic Chinese in USA will support China?

A small percentage at most, probably just people here on work visas planning to go back to China anyway. This is not unusual. Look up something called The German-American Bund.

-Do you think China is a threat?

Yes, absolutely. The number one threat to the United States in the world, militarily, politically, economically. It would be nuts to keep Huwai in the country and we should shut down these Confucius Institutes that have popped up. We should bring back all the industry we can from China and find different suppliers for the things we need.

-Do you genuinely believe ethnic Chinese in the USA is an integral part of the US and share your love of the country?

Yes, without hesitation. Chinese have been in this country since the late 19th century. My maternal grandfather served in Europe with a Chinese officer, and I have the unit pic to prove it. My paternal grandfather went to school with a Chinese man.

-what news source do you use to learn about China and the Chinese people there?

Lately the Epoch Times.

For the coronavirus situation:

-Do you think the Chinese government is to blame, and for what?

The Chinese government is to blame for the creation and spread of the Wuhan Virus. Xi Jinping should be tried for crimes against humanity, Nuremburg style.

-Do you think the Chinese people in China are to blame. and for what?

No. Not to blame.

-Do you think the ethnic Chinese in the US are to blame, and for what?


-did you know that many Chinese communities are organizing donations to the hospitals essential workers, and neighbors in need. if you do, how did you learn about it?

I am aware of this.

-what is your opinion about these donation activities?

I It’s think it’s very nice and a good thing to see and agood public relations move.

-the Chinese community here feel unsafe, because they are afraid that there might be hate crime from the coromavirus as they are ethnically associated with China. do you think they should feel this way? what can help with this anxiety?

There is very little reason to fear actual harm, scorn, or even idiocy. Though the later will happen. I understand this uneasiness perfectly. I myself am Jewish and every time a Jew makes the news for bad reasons, say Harvey Weinstein or Jeffrey Epstein, the Jew-haters come out from under the rocks. I suggest the film ‘Gentlemen’s Agreement’ currently available on Amazon Prime.

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