Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Chindian Vignettes

We saw two Indian lads playing cricket in the field across the street. One of our Chinese neighbors asked if we wanted an N95 mask. Now where did he get his hands on those? There's a Wuhan China Virus from Wuhan China* FB group for Bridgewater. 

Four Democrat jerks have taken it upon themselves to slam any source they don't like, and no, they didn't like Tucker Carlson's interview with Governor Murphy** We've gotten in the weeds with these witch finders a bit. Sometimes it has to be done.

We made a new friend there, though, which is nice. She's a naturalized American citizen from China and a member of a local Chinese American society and has been posting about their charitable  efforts on behalf of hospitals. She's become curious about how Chinese Americans are viewed here, and sent me some written questions, which are fascinating. We invite reader(s) to chime in below:

What is your general impression of the ethnic Chinese population here in the USA

What is your general impression of the Chinese people in China

What is your general impression of the Chinese government?

Do you think the Chinese people in China are for or against the Chinese government?

Do you think the ethnic Chinese here in the USA are for or against the Chinese government?
In the hypothetical situation when China (current government) and US are at war, what percentage of ethnic Chinese in USA will support China?

Do you think China is a threat?

Do you genuinely believe ethnic Chinese in the USA is an integral part of the US and share your love of the country?

What news source do you use to learn about China and the Chinese people there?

For the coronavirus situation:
Do you think the Chinese government is to blame, and for what?

Do you think the Chinese people in China are to blame. and for what?

Do you think the ethnic Chinese in the US are to blame, and for what?

Did you know that many Chinese communities are organizing donations to the hospitals essential workers, and neighors in need. if you do, how did you learn about it?

What is your opinion about these donation activities?

The Chinese community here feel unsafe, because they are afraid that there might be hate crime from the coromavirus as they are ethnically associated with China. Do you think they should feel this way? what can help with this anxiety?...

We'll post answers when available.

*Sometimes called Covid-19
**Whom we think is doing a fine job.


  1. As for your questions yes I think that China is a threat as for Chinese Americans no I do not worry about them no more than I do any other ethnic group will some support the Chinese government over our government yes but they will be a small minority less than 10percent if I had to guess and yes I do think within the next 20 years there will be war with China

  2. My wife is 1/8th Chinese and is a legal immigrant to the USA. I don't have a lot of strong opinions on Chinese here in the USA. Most are just people who want to live their lives in peac.

    But I do suspect the CCP has infiltrated a lot of spies and compromised a lot of immigrants over the years. Some of these people would pose a threat to US national interests in the event of open conflict. Some already pose a threat due to espionage activities.

    The CCP is currently the most aggressive threat to the USA. They mean to challenge the USA for global dominance and they are a totalitarian government that has no problem murdering millions to impose their rule.

    Should the Chinese people ever succeed in overthrowing the CCP the results would probably play out much as happened in Russia where the state security organs would engineer control over assets and resources and become a fascist/authoritarian system with oligarchs running everything.

    Ironically, my part-Chinese wife has a slightly negative opinion of Chinese people.
