Wednesday, April 8, 2020

I have Returned Masalla...oops.

...Sorry. Pharaoh, let my people go!

Happy Charlton Heston Day everyone! The Oldest Daughter was once heard to say, 'But you said Aerial Sharon is the greatest Jew since Charlton Heston!' Indeed and since Moses.

One year the Stroocklette's Hindu friends were watching the Exodus chapter of Netflix's excellent The Bible. One of them remarked, 'Wow! Your god is powerful!' He favorite god is Ganesh. 

Zzzzzzz....crack, BANG!

Ha-ha, the lightening bolt missed and...ZAP! Ouch!

Normally we have Mrs. Stroock's sister and her brood over and we head a table of seven women, but not this year. The Stroocklettes will be helping their mother prepare for our toned down Pass Over.

Will post a pic or two.

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