Saturday, April 11, 2020

Saturday Updates

We have submitted Three Seas to the formatters and are on track. That glorious worker's train will be coming out of the tunnel, Hammer and Sickle flags waving, on May Day, Comrades.

We're two thirds of the way through Nederlandse and it's looking good. We are on track for a May delivery for Debbie. Renee is working on the cover and hopes to have one to us Monday. Our naval guy looked at the naval chapter and pronounced it OK. We'll need to get some maps together.

We kept The Final Storm on track and got one of the intro-chapters wrapped up.

We didn't get as much done on The Great Nuclear War of 1975 as we would have liked, but we did stay on track. Our main goal at this point is to get the 20,000 words we have written as together as we can make them. We'd like to write 10,000 words this month and next month write the Battle of Prudhoe Bay chapter. That ought to get it to 40,000 words or so by June 1st. We make no predictions but we're thinking what you're thinking.

If so what of the short story compilation? The answer to that question is we don't know.

We're really working on too much at once here.

We're lifting weights and hitting the bike a couple of times a week and walking a couple of times a week as well. We'll be trying on a pair of 38's this morning to see how the lock-down is affecting the waistline. Mrs. Stroock as been baking a lot. 

April 8th was this blog's 5th anniversary. Here's the very first post, written this way on purpose. We just started blogging and went from there, 3820 posts later here we are.

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