Friday, April 24, 2020

School this, Bartholet

Via the NY Post, NYC's paper of record, we learn that a Harvard prof thinks home schooling should be banned:
Elizabeth Bartholet told Harvard Magazine that it gives parents “authoritarian” control over their kids — and can even expose them to white supremacy and misogyny. “The issue is, do we think that parents should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18? I think that’s dangerous,” Bartholet said. “I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority.”
She seems nice.

When we were a history prof, the public schools were sending us students who knew absolutely nothing about American history. At one point we asked in exasperation, 'Just what did your social studies teachers do all period?' A foreign student from the north country of a certain English speaking country said, 'You know, we learned all this is 4th level.'

Some of you are learning the education establishment's dirty little secret. You really don't need it. Certainly not now when you can access the entirety of human knowledge from home. During our six weeks of home schooling, we're done about noon or 12:30. The kids are learning on their own, and learning things outside the normal curriculum, which ain't all that. We've spent the last six weeks undoing Common Core* math.

Anyway, all one really needs is a state testing regime. This is not that big a deal people. We grew up with the New York State Regents...

[You failed half of them and they made you come back to school for the General tests-Ed]

We should have told them to fuck themselves and go to hell.

[You were 16-Ed]

Anyway...What about the school experience? The Educrat will ask. Yeah, we all miss playground fights, cafeteria lunch ladies, public school bathrooms, screaming gym instructors and high functioning alcoholic teachers. It was a great experience.

[Stop lashing out. It was almost 30 years ago.-Ed]

All we're saying, parents, is that you can do it better.

*Common Core is the mark of the beast and was designed by satanic monkeys.

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