Friday, April 24, 2020

The Writer's Fear and Ennui

We've missed nearly a month of the baseball season, and last night the NFL held its annual draft, and we couldn't care less. When did we stop watching sports? When did we stop caring about sports?

Yesterday the Stroocklettes hit upon the idea of melting crayons into these cat and unicorn molds. We got a little too into it.

All we seem to care about anymore is writing. Lol, we haven't published a novel in fourteen months.

[May Day-Ed]

But we've written something like 20 columns for Inforos, and will have Nederlandse coming soon after Three Seas. We wrote two short stories, one of which is already published, both of which will go into our short story collection.

[How soon, knobhead? -Ed].

Well, we'll be giving Grote Tank Slog a readthrough this weekend. Beta testers are coming back with comments.

[So Debbie gets it in May?-Ed]

Yeah. At this point it's just fear and trepidation. What's wrong? What's going to be wrong? What's wrong that we don't even know what's wrong? What's wrong, we know it's wrong, but we don't care that it's wrong?

Maybe we should get it over with? Maybe we should be a man, polish off our white-wine spritzer with ice, and hit the PUBLISH button?

[Would be nice-Ed]

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