Thursday, April 30, 2020

Stroock to FBI: Drop Dead

As anyone with a brain or who is not a Democrat knows, General Flynn was set up.

This blog has two rules,, never play cards with a man who has a name like Kansas City Bob or Minnesota Jim and never talk to the Feds. If the FBI shows up at your door, just send them away, or baring that, respond to every question with 'no comment'. Don't even confirm your name and address. Alternately, we suppose, one could give false information to every question, and anesthetize oneself that way. 

'Is your name William Stroock?' 
'No, it's Abe, Abe Frohman. And I'm the sausage king of Chicago.'

What to do with this corrupt, dick bag gobbling Federal institution? One could abolish the FBI. We wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it. The days of the Tommy Gun wielding G-man are long over. But that's too good for the bastards. This blog calls upon the president to fire Robert Wray and put Rudolph Giuliani in charge.

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