Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Looming Biden Bye Bye

That should be the title for out next article for Inforos.

For a year this blog has stated  that Joe Biden will never be the Dem's nominee. We stand by that statement. Joe Biden will never be the Dem's nominee. 

What is the Dem Nomenclature thinking about Biden? We suppose at this point they believe he is a cipher through which they can run things, put the right advisors in the White House and Slo-Joe is literally a puppet till he expires. President Abrams? She seems nice.

Now Delaware's finest has #metoo issues, which is absolutely hilarious. Anyone else notice that #metoo's principle victims are Democrats and media types? To which we say, good. Credibly accused, that's the term, right Dems? Credibly accused. Reap it.
This blog states once again for the record that Christine Blasey-Ford is a liar. Even if she's not liar, which she is, so what? 

Anyway the left is mounting a campaign for Biden to drop out because of the Tara Reade allegations. Then what? Sorry Dems, it has to be Sanders. Heh.

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