Sunday, April 26, 2020

Wither Wuhan Not New York

Via Instapundit, Bret Stephens Writes
I write this from New York, so it’s an argument against my personal interest. But I don’t see why people living in a Nashville suburb should not be allowed to return to their jobs because people like me choose to live, travel and work in urban sardine cans. Gina Raimondo, the Rhode Island governor, was on to something when, a few weeks ago, she wanted to quarantine drivers arriving from New York. The rest of America needs to get back to life. We New Yorkers prefer our own company, anyway.
This blog has noted previously that it likes the idea of New Yorkers being hunted down and imprisoned. Nuke it from orbit, we say. Or at least destroy the Hudson River crossings.

We're Ground Zero adjacent here. New Jersey has 105,523 cases and 5,863 deaths, Somerset County 2,713 cases and 217 deaths, Bridgewater 315 cases and 39 deaths (out of 42,000 people). 

Stephens goes on to note that New Yorkers are a provincial lot, assuming that becuase they're getting ravaged by the Beijing Bug the rest of the country must be as well. Here one is constantly aware of the Wuhan Virus from Wuhan. But we suspect in say, Tennessee, or Texas or Missouri, Beijing's hand is barely felt at all.

1 comment:

  1. In Memphis we hardly even have felt it my wife works as a nurse yes there are cases but the system is hardly has felt the strain it's no worse than the flu
