Thursday, April 23, 2020

This is not a Dream Journal...

But man...

Last night I dreamt I was lost in the jungles of Papua or say, Burma (it my be Myanmar to you, but it will always be Burma to me*), when suddenly appeared a band of native tribesman, untouched by the hand of civilization. 

And then there was the president, I recall his red tie. I looked out upon the natives, pumped my fist into the air and led them in the chant, 'Trump! Trump! Trump!'

So cool.

Mrs. Stroock thinks the quarantine has finally gotten to me.


1 comment:

  1. I've read some scary things this month of COVID-19 stay at home isolation. But this might be the scariest. He's not a god-king or the devil, he's just an elected official. Unless his fans manage to change the constitution, one day, he'll be out of office and, then, we can analyze the effect he's had on the country and the world.
