Friday, May 8, 2020

Five Years On

We were going to write that ten years ago this spring we got our first professorial gig. But then we realized it was five years ago right now, about, that a series of professional and physical troubles started.

We've written before about our blowout with the incompetent buffoons and liars running Raritan Valley Community College's  Humanities Department* and feel no desire to take readers through that mess. Lets just say they tried to eff us but we effed 'em right back. Bastards.

It was nasty, unpleasant business, sickening at the time, and we took no joy in our actions....then. As time has passed, though. Well, reader(s) can imagine.

At the same time we were suffering through the worst gout attack we've ever experienced. It was so bad we finally broke down and went to the podiatrist, who after looking at the X-Ray asked, 'How the hell did you even walk in here?' We say with pride that the pain is comparable to child labor.

Then that September, well...chest pains, a 1000+** triglyceride count, a stent and a handful of blood pressure and cholesterol pills.

So that was our 2015. An interesting year.

*My revenge has been literary and I went way out of my way to exercise it. Sue me. I dare you. I'm laughing at the superior intellect. Fuckers.
**Rookie numbers? I am the Mathew McConaughey of triglyceride counts and I'm thumping my chest right now. 

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