Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saturday Updates

And away we go. 

World War 1990: Battle of the Three Seas has finally taken off. It's the light blue. That amounts to a couple dozen kindle sales and several thousand KDP page reads a day. Interestingly it's hovering in the mid-40's ranking wise and refuses to climb. We think this is becuase Sea Lion Press has three or four new books out. They really like to flood the market. This is not an issue, the raw numbers are good and reading isn't a zero-sum game. If someone has to choose a Sea Lion Press book over a William Stroock book, it just means they'll get to William Stroock a little later. The great thing about a new book is it boosts the sales numbers of all the other books. At this point you just put your feet up and count the money.

Attack of the 50 Foot Communist is almost done. It'll be done next week. This clears the way for us to think about a second short story. To Defend the Earth? We dunno. So far, no ju-ju.

The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is 33,000 words. We got bogged down describing the new canal being built above New Orleans, to reopen the Mississippi. This week, The Battle of Prudhoe Bay.

From there it's really a matter of, ok, we've gotten through the winter, we're getting about half the oil we need (the Rockefeller Administration has reestablished trade with Saudi Arabia), what next?

World War 1990: Nederlandse has been reviewed by US Army Guy, US Navy Guy, Italian Guy, Canadian Guy, Dutch Guy. Next week Nederlandse gets it's final rough read before we send it off to Debbie. Maps and cover are already in production. As MC Hammer once said, let's turn this mother out.

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