Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I'm Fighting for You and I love doing it with everything that I have...

This is a weapons grade campaign ad:
This ad isn't just weapons grade. It's a hydrogen bomb. It's the 15 megaton Tsar Bomba of campaign ads. It's the Daisy and Morning in America all rolled into one.

Trump begins by bashing Democrats, then he touts what he's done, and finally he makes it all about us, you and me. I'm fighting for you! 

There will be six more months of this. There will a hundred more ads like this.

These people who think Trump is in some kind of trouble, are they out of their fucking minds? 

You're goddamn right he's Donald Trump and he approve that message.

I swear to god I got a thrill when those jets showed up. We're getting emotional here. Not kidding.

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