Friday, May 15, 2020

Will Watches Waco Week Final Whack

At one point in Waco, Steve Schneider, more or less David Koresh's second in command asks, 'What did we do to deserve all this.' Indeed.

A weird and creepy religious sect the Branch Davidians may have been, but they weren't abusing their children and they weren't bothering anyone else.

They certainly didn't do anything to justify a hundred ATF (Asshole Terrorist Fuckers) storming their compound, and they didn't do anything to justify a months long siege with tanks busting through their walls, lighting the place on fire and killing dozens of them. The Fed's strong hand played right into the Branch Davidians end of the world view, making them god's chosen against a demonic enemy.

And that's really the point. Long gone are the days of the gray suited, fedora wearing, just the facts ma'am G-Men. As we see in this day and age, the FBI has more in common with the Gestapo than Melvin Purvis. This blog recommends President Trump send a company of tanks down Pennsylvania Avenue with orders to blast the Hoover building to rubble.

We could use Nazi hunters, Red chasers, and Klan busters. Mr. We could use a man like J. Edgar Hoover again.


  1. I cannot find one way or the other do you think he was really a cross dresser or was that made up later to dis credit him

  2. Assuming Waco gave us an acurate and truthful summation, there is no reason to believe anything the Feds said.
