Monday, May 11, 2020

Will Watches Waco Week

Waco is another dramatization of a 1990's event and it's Brilliant, just Brilliant. Waco is a well crafted series which takes viewers through the events of the Fed's siege of the Branch Davidians compound.  It is interesting to see that many young people have never heard of the Waco siege. It is also understandable. The fiasco is nearly 30 years old. And a fiasco the Branch Davidian compound siege was. Waco is based on two memoirs, one by survivor David Thibodaux the other by FBI negotiator Gary Noesner. The siege is subject to interpretation of course, but let us take events at presented.  At every level the Feds overstepped their bounds, acted heavy handedly and otherwise screwed up. The Branch Davidians didn't make it easy on the Feds, but still, the siege didn't have to end in a fiery catastrophe. We'll be talking about Waco all week. 4/4.


  1. actually started watching that last week.

  2. For some reason I thought Waco was way out west. Probably becuase I'm a degenerate Yankee.

  3. Yes you are a degenerate Yankee but we love you anyway
