Friday, July 3, 2020

Hamilton to 2020: Cancel This

This blog would not be the first to point out that the cancellers are going to cancel Hamilton.

They have no choice, Hamilton was a founding father and a slave owner who ran a counting house in the Caribbean. 

Hamilton was Washington's aide-de-camp during the Revolution, the most important Federalist advocate, a realist who said America should be allied with the mother country, a military thinker who called for a strong navy and small army, and the first Secretary of the Treasury who set the nation's finances right. Hamilton was probably the greatest American never to be president.

We mention this becuase Oldest Daughter loves Hamilton, and the Disney live action version comes out today. As reader(s) can imagine, we've heard the soundtrack many, many times. While it's mostly hip-hop, let's give writer Lin Manuel-Miranda points for even thinking of making a rap-musical about a founding father. Whatever one thinks of the genre, that in itself is genius. He also wrote this, which is just brilliant:

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