Friday, July 3, 2020

Writing the Hudson

This morning we wrote a scene for The Great Nuclear War of 1975. In this scene, reader(s) see a train making it's way down the Hudson River Valley to Verplank, site of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. The power company* is trying to get the reactors back on line and needs help from naval nuclear engineers to do it.

But that's not the point of the post. Here's the point. The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is the 5th novel,  A Line Through the Desert, To Defend the Earth, To Survive the Earth and The Austrian Painter, which features the Hudson River Valley in some way.

Write what you know, they say. Write what you know.

*Con Ed or Consolidated Edison

1 comment:

  1. How about a scene down the Mississippi River to me it would be a high priority to get things working down there considering how much commerce going down the river
