If one goes over and looks at the comments on the Future Projects page, a couple of people recently said nice things about TDTE. The problem is that To Survive the Earth (click) bombed and we've never understood why.
One of you people suggested that To Survive the Earth (click) bombed becuase the stories just didn't seem very interesting to potential buyers. At first we dismissed the criticism. This reader is just jealous because there's no story where the aliens are flying around the Temagami Forrest vaporizing moose.* To Survive the Earth's failure has always baffled us, so right now we have no other explanation.
So it's a thought. Enough readers liked TDTE to warrant another try. But there's one problem. We got absolutely no ju-ju. You need ju-ju.
*We really have to stop binge-watching Survivorman.
I think the problem was the two books were so similar to each other you felt like if you read one you read the other it didn't feel like a continuation of the story