Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What to Write, 2021. Hellooooo Vlad!

Hmmm....what to write in 2021? We have to admit Putin's War is plausible now that we've scene the way Xi and the ChiComs have acted this year.

To refresh, China invades Siberia (look it up, the ChiComs think Siberia is rightfully theirs) occupies the north bank of the Amur and Russian cities there after some ferocious battles. In response Putin does the only thing a Russian premier can do. He deploys tactical nukes. Beijing panics and nukes Moscow in a desperate bid to get Putin. They miss. Big mistake. Putin nukes Beijing, the Three Gorges Dam and several other targets.

At this point President Pence (it's 2025), Prime Minister Johnson and President Mohdi are trying to rally the international community (don't laugh) and convince Putin not to destroy China.