Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What Will's Watching

The Critical Drinker: A Scottish movie reviewer who loves movies and hates Social Justice Warriors who ruin the movies he loves. The man's been extremely unkind to the new Star Trek franchises, and he's right. We'd like to pick up where The Drinker left off. 

Discovery and Picard are cynical and dark and jaded....oh my....
Some Kathleen Kennedy acolyte (the SJW who wrecked Star Wars) decided they needed to break with Star Trek's glorious past and make a dark Star Trek. Seriously this is how Goth/Emo teenagers see the world, it's also how CBS see's Star Trek.

Star Trek is supposed to be a future utopia. That's the whole point. Picard says it again and again in TNG. Man has evolved. We've put aside our petty differences, our envy, our glut. Star Trek was escapist. Set aside your worries for an hour, viewer, look at what we could be. Star Trek was aspirational.

As hard to watch as some of those original Trek episodes are now, they were trying to advance the cause of equality.  Nichelle Nichols was going to leave Star Trek, but you know who asked her to stay? Martin Luther King. It was important, he said, for the nation to see a black woman on TV equal to the white (and alien) characters. She and Kirk had the first interracial TV kiss. That was a big deal in the mid-60s.

So now they've crapped all over Star Trek too.

Go watch The Drinker. Go watch The Drinker and get mad. We know we are.

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