Sunday, July 12, 2020

Will Goes Confederate


Gout brings out the worst in us. Even after its cleared, the millions of tiny crystal shards leave muscles tired and sore. There's not much one can do other than close one's eyes and think of England. We could take anti-inflammatory but they would just knock us out in the afternoon and our sleep patterns are screwed up enough already. And this wasn't even that bad an attack. If we're going to get gout, we might as well have a hamburger and a couple of beers to show for it.

The gout knocks one out and gets downright depressing. As noted yesterday, we're prone to summer doldrums now.  Try telling us that would happen 25 years ago. What a great combo.

[You know, they make pills for that-Ed.]

We are well aware.

As we said, Baaaaaaa!

We figured out 20 years ago how to make use of down time. We've moved onto the next book in the Civil War (or The War Between the States) series, Six Armies in Tennessee. We're still wondering why anyone thought naming an army post after Braxton Bragg was a good idea. 

Yesterday we ordered a trio of books about Jefferson Davis and the CSA government.  Did you know there's a group out there that says its the Confederate Government, or some such. An interesting legal point, since the CSA never officially signed an instrument of which any good Yankee would reply, they didn't need to becuase they never really a country. Remember 20 years ago when the treasury issued state coins commemorating their admittance to the Union? Who wants to bet that there were some folks down South insisting that the coins should list their readmittance, 1877 for Louisiana, say. You people know who you are. Our late grandmother, Hannah Marx (Eisenman) Stroock*, who was buried in Hartsdale, NY with a jar of Louisiana soil, would certainly say so.

Also we ordered a couple of Civil War tabletop wargames. We'll let you know how we do.

*Don't nobody ever tell us the Old South wasn't good to Jews. Click here.


  1. If you can find it you should get the book Jewish Confederates and also if you like some fiction to break up the history books try Bright Starry BANNERS BY Allen Carter it's about the battle of Murfreesboro one of the best

  2. On Bragg he was promoted beyond his ability he would of been a great Corp commder or cheif of staff he was great when someone else was given orders or in training the men and getting supplies to the men but was just to inflexible to be in over all command he always seem to me to be the southern version of McClellan
