Friday, August 21, 2020

Biden was the Bomb

PJM liveblogged Biden's speech. 

Last night we watched The Big Bang Theory. We're amazed that a lot of people think it's a dumb, middlebrow show with cheep jokes. We find it quite smart.

[I bet you do-Ed].

As for assessments of the speech, wait a few days.

The brilliance of Trump buying the WaPo masthead is that it made libs in the media freak out and draw even more attention to it. The buy also shows that the WaPo is run by whores who will do anything if you pay them enough money. How is it remotely appropriate for a supposedly independent newspaper to run political advertising? 

Whores. Skank, skeezy, whores.

And checkout the Trump ads running on the YouTube masthead. Not since 1988 has any GOP run anything that tough and hard hitting. Not Mitt, not McCain, not W., not that old guy from 1996.  Mr. we could use a man like Lee Atwater again. Younger reader(s) we urge you to click that link. Click it! That is some vintage Cold War political advertising, when the GOP one five of six elections.


Usually a convention gives a presidential candidate a bounce in the polls. Trump is at 51% in the Rasmussen and tied in Minnesota, which means he's really ahead in Minnesota. There's been a convention bounce alright.

Here in NJ07, D incumbent Tom Malinowski and R challenger Tom Kean Jr are having a contest to see who can run the best soft focus, Mr. Nice Guy ads. So far Kean looks like a wimp. Just like his dad when he chaired the 9/11 Commission. We might just vote for Malinowski. We like him well enough and he seems sane, something the party of Ms. Venezuela and Somalia's Finest desperately needs. At some point Malinowski is go to call you a Nazi, Senator. Whatchu gonna do about it?

We put down JFC Fuller's Grant book. He wasn't telling us anything we didn't already know. God almighty, it's awful. And to think we read all we could by this guy when we first got into military history 25 years ago. At one point A Military History of the Western World was our Baghavad Gita. And so we switched to Lee's Last far beautifully written, a real tribute without being sentimental. We're learning a lot.

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