Sunday, August 16, 2020

Colluding with Russia, Getting Info - Babes and Will's Good Idea for the Week of 8/16/20

We are annoyed that our Inforos article, Chaos in the Blue Cities has gained a bit of traction in the media, but has anyone contacted us? Nyet, no one, nobody. Here's a twitter search (just scroll a bit). This pisses us off a writer, since not contacting us is journalistic malpractice. Also, we're missing an opportunity to talk about ourselves...

[There it is-Ed]

At some point there will be some more investigation into Inforos, and sooner or later some young female reporter...

[Oh my god...please say he's not going there-Ed] going to do a google search and think, 'Oh, my...He's cute in a later stage Hemingway sort of way. I bet he likes history, just like my dad. I wonder if he needs an editorial assistant?'

Brunette's (preferably of Mediterranean heritage) and redheads only, please. 

[Really, you're not specifying Middle Eastern?-Ed]

We're flexible, and she better be too.


You know how I love it when you call me that.

[Just so you know, people. He's set the 'read aloud' voice to English (United Kingdom). Bloody Weirdo-Ed]

When Fox News finally calls we're going to tell them, 'I go on with Tucker only. No Tucker, no Will.' And CNN can get fucked. 

Below a file photo of some of our dirty, Kremlin money:

Anyway....As reader(s) may have noticed, our Good Idea for the Week of 8/16 is Palmerston's War. That's where the juju is right now. Also it's marketable as hell, we'd probably spread a thousand or so of ad money around for this one in various Civil War magazines. Who knows where the juju will be next month. As far as the next WW1990 novel to write, we're torn between the obvious marketing advantages of Esercito Italiano, and The Weser, which has some major juju. We think we could crank out the rough in three months.

Andy Ngo has some interesting footage from last night's Portland Antifa riot, in which the soi bring wooden shields and form a wall. It looks impressive but breaks as soon as the cops slam into it. Haven't these guys ever see 300? They may look tough, but Antifa doesn't have what it takes to go mano-a-soi with the cops, or Red State Americans. This is going to happen sooner or later, and it's gonna get real fucking ugly.

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