Monday, August 17, 2020

Bridgewater is safe, Monday. Don't Panic.

We have returned to the land of Murderous Murphy. Our leg hurts, we're tired and we remain convinced the Somerset County Education Association is going to screw us. Get ready for your invoice, bitches. We weren't in town for the Bedminster air space violation, but some neighbors saw it. You could really hear those jets, we're told. We're also told we have new neighbors. Looking forward to meeting them. Three kids, intel says.

Don't look now but Trump has all but annihilated Jim Crow Joe's lead. We have no idea what to make of the reported sample other than it means CNN is hiding the real result. Trump is ahead, don't ever doubt that; and that's after Biden's people told him they selected Kamala Harris.* Remember, after election night all the white-elite-bicoastal pundits said data died. And they've forgotten already. When 'data' is at odds with reality, reality wins. 

Andy Ngo has more depressing, enraging, demoralizing footage from Portland, also Seattle. It can't happen here, they say.

We have lots of good ideas for both The Final Storm and The Great Nuclear War of 1975. Speaking of the latter, we're wondering if we should change the title to After the Great Nuclear War of 1975, since the novel is about what happens after. Otherwise there's gonna be a lot of reader(s) looking for detailed descriptions of Minot** launching it's Minutemen, and tense arguments aboard Air Force One, 'Mr. President, you've got to give the order now.'

In Palmerston's War, the big climatic battle will be for Washington DC.  We think the DC battle would happen at the same time as the Mississippi campaign. We think both efforts might be potentially suicidal for the Brits. Reporter John Frederick Hart will return and report about something. Maybe Hart will just be on the scene in Washington or.....Richmond! We should also have a Prussian character running around somewhere, observing for Moltke. 

Then there's the little matter of which WW1990 novel to write in 2021. The Weser? But only if we think we can crank that one out fast. 

*We're mispronouncing it.

**People will want their 'Turn your key!' moment.

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