Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Fake Indians, Rapists

No we aren't watching, we won't watch the GOP convention either, BTW. It seems that Michelle and Jill are the only highlights for the Dems so far. The comedic highpoint is Elizabeth Warren (I- Foxwoods Casino and Resort) attending the Native American caucus. We're sure she brought big medicine with her. Bill Clinton...what can we say? Rapist. It's high comedy when Democrats think Christine and Meg Whitman, Kasich, and other Republican stars from long ago are going to peel GOPs away from Trump. Legal Insurrection has two great clips of Chris Christie assessing that effort. We really urge reader(s) to click through. '' That is Jersey, folks. We voted twice for the man.

That Buffalo Springfield bit from the first night of the convention was a cultural disaster. Nothing reaches young people like a song from the mid-60's. I know you kids are really into this disco thing.* Cultural disaster. And the annoying thing is that For What it's Worth is such a good song. Simple and poignant without being preachy. Listen to the way the song climbs to the last verse, with just a little bit more intensity than the 1st . Well done, sirs. Of course we've always associated For What it's Worth with The Muppet Show.

We had a thought yesterday about The Final Storm. We're not afraid of a big book and we're not afraid of a book that wanders a bit. So why not wrap things up in Nicaragua? As our Italian consultant pointed out, this gives us a chance to talk about some of the things happening in that region with Brazil, etc. We always like the idea of the Managua campaign. We shall dwell on this. Actually, this might make a good opening blockbuster chapter...Given the stubbornly strong sales, maybe we should be cranking out all the World War 1990 novels we can, and The Managua Campaign has a certain ring to it.

We're thinking we need to bring Carl Sagan into The Great Nuclear War of 1975 earlier. Maybe he should be in Casper from the beginning. He can tell President Rockefeller everything that's about to happen to the United States. Speaking of, the man had six children, two by his younger, blonder second wife. We think they're all wiped out in the war... But what if they find one of the sons or his daughter, Anne. They bring him/her to Casper for's Anne...she become de-facto First Lady...


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