Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Continued Study of The War Between the States

It might be time to take a hard look at Robert E. Lee. We have two books on the man, three if you count Catton's Terrible Swift Sword. Of course he was a Yankee. The other two are Lee's Last Campaign, about 1864, and a book written in the 1990's that was supposed to reassess the man. One must be careful to avoid the Lost Cause, but also hagiography. 

Dennis McCullough (another Yankee) is the worst practitioner of this sort of thing. The man would write 800 page love-letters to his subject. And remember, we like Truman. 

True story, in 1948 our grandfather was walking down the street in Manhattan after quitin' time when he saw thousands of muni-workers, angry that they were forced to turn out for a Truman rally. By the end, the President had those pissed-off workers cheering his name. Our grandfather said he bet all his friends Harry would win and they gave him 8-1 odds.

Trump's gonna win too. Bigly.

Anyway, we're intrigued by Forrest. Stonewall. Do we need to do Stonewall?

1 comment:

  1. Three Southern commanders I would recommend to read about are Hardee Cleburne and JO Shelby
