Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday Updates

Antifa raided Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's luxurious condo of white privilege. Sucks to be his neighbors. They tried to torch the police union building again. Looks like they did a pretty good job. That's some professional application of accelerant there. This blog wants to make clear it's stance on the young man who shot and killed two communists, one a domestic abuser, the other a pedo. The pedo had a court order banning him from being anywhere near children. Now he'll never be near children again. Also, don't bring a skateboard to a gunfight. USA 2, communists 0. We can't wait for the trial.

We've broken The Final Storm log jam. The Battle of the Roki Tunnel is the blockbuster opener and the catalyst for the Politburo to make the final decision. Times like this we think of Randy Quaid in Independence Day after the shields drop, 'All right Mr. President....' We've added a scene describing things with Task Force 60, told from the POV of the captain of the Chilean ship accompanying. 

Here's Biden's weak-ass campaign ad featured prominently on YouTube. Is it Dukakis in the Tank? No. Nothing is that bad. But man, is that the best they can do? BTW, for those thinking Harris/Biden has some big money advantage, the banner by is gone. They probably bought the space to keep it out of Trump's hands for a while. Those ads were the political equivalent of a Curtis Lemay B-29 firebombing, and Harris/Biden was Tokyo. Polls show Trump and senate candidate John James a few points ahead in MI. They're really several points ahead. We tend to agree with historian and political analyst Larry Schweikart who thinks the Dems have already used up their planned October surprises. That said, there will be something else. But we just don't think it'll matter. We mentioned Dukakis in the tank becuase 1988 is what we think Trump's victory will look like.

We did some nice things to The Great Nuclear War of 1975 this week. Detail and context. We intend to do more nice things. Our read through, which we thought would take a week, we now think it will take September. We shall struggle on.

Our 2021 projects will almost certainly be World War 1990: The Weser and Palmerston's War.

[Let's get through 2020 first. Becuase if Trump does lose, you're going to be a physical, emotional and spiritual wreck. You'll crawl inside a bottle until Belloch shows up with his armed Nazi goons....Ed]

We are listening to French again. Mostly becuase we had to take the minivan down to Flemington and get it inspected. A 45 minute round trip and another 45 minutes waiting in line. Might as well, right?

This afternoon we are heading down the shore, as we say here in New Jersey, for the week. We haven't decided if we'll keep blogging.

Seven Stories comes out September 1st Story #3 Riders of the Centauri Range. (Pssst we haven't announced it, but it's already out) We do that in case there's a delay or a last minute problem:

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