Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday from the Beach: Will there ever be a Rainbow?

We can tell we're middle aged, old even, becuase the college girls in bikinis seem pretty meh.

[College girls, keep telling yourself they're college girls-Ed]

You want me to take manly lifeguard pics for you again?

[Yeah, suuuuuure. For me-Ed]

Greetings from breezy and refreshing Beach Haven, New Jersey. The Fami de Stroock has been coming to this little condo complex on Amber Street for a long time. A long time. Twenty years ago our niece, Hannah, made her debut here. One Sunday we watched the Philadelphia Eagles absolutely wallop the Dallas Cowboys on opening day (it started with an on-sides kick and went from there.) Forty years ago, forty we kid thee not, were were playing Star Wars with our new found friends on the deck, ran, slid and got a massive splinter in our foot. We were Lando*. A few years ago we recounted the story to one of the old owners and he said, 'That was you?'

The violence continues. Andy Ngo has the story, as always. A patriot was killed. Elsewhere in Portland a convoys of dozens of Trump vehicles drove right through town and pushed Antifa aside. A lot of them were armed with pepper spray and paintball guns, quite cleverly. It's a freedom of assembly issue and if violence needs to occur for rights to be exercised, ok. One of these days they won't fire paint ball guns. In Kenosha, armed citizens are standing guard over a subdivision and keep Antifa out. How may more have to die before Evers, Frey, Wheeler and the rest of the Antifa's political wing rein things in?

Polls keep shifting in Trump's favor, as we predicted. Larry Schweikart thinks the uncounted Trump vote is in the 3-5 range. This sounds right. Angkor** must be panicking. 

*Probably cultural appropriation, no?

**In Pol Pot's Cambodia. The party, at once everywhere and all knowing, but untouchable and invisible.

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