Friday, August 21, 2020

The Final Storm: Managua Campaign?

Here's what we have in The Final Storm:

Updates on characters, plot lines

News of the Soviet nuke plan filtering to the west

Western Planning, White House, #10

Intro of various pilots, Hogg Sq, B-2s, B-1s, Aussie F-111s

The Georgian Coup/Battle of the Roki Tunnel

Kazakh Coup

This is already going to be a pretty big book. The question is, do we want the Managua Campaign in the front? It could work. This provides us some opportunities. The Contras and Honduran armies drive southwest toward Managua. We could bring the Brazilian carrier over for air support. Maybe Brazil even sends marines, paras? 

Ok, this would be good fun. But would it seem like we just slapped something on the front of the book? We may not make a decision on this till we've finished the rest. The Managua campaign could always go in the planned WW1990 short story comp. We must dwell on this.


  1. You know you want too let's turn from a chapter to a whole book throw another chapter about the Cuban sub and the Cubans in Africa maybe
