Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturday Updates for a pleasant Moscow Summer Day

Every  morning now the first thing we do is check Andy Ngo's twitter feed. And the decline and fall of American cities' continues apace. First slowly, then all at once, as they say. There's a real exodus happening here. A family from NYC just moved into our neighborhood. 

Trump's gonna win, you know. Bigly.

Check this out, we got ourselves quoted by Sputnik News, which is Russian State media. The collusion continues. You people know the deal, 100 rubles. So we've actually been quoted in media as someone who knows what he's talking about and whose thoughts are considered worth hearing. Huh. Kind of makes you wonder about all the other people who get quoted. As we once said to a Pakistani Army intelligence officer type in Kabul who wanted us to help him sell intel to the US Army, 'Agha, I'm just a guy in New Jersey.'*

The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is 79,000 words. We're going to pause this week and read what we have. This will certainly bulk up the word total. We'll be trying to get those 79,000 words good to go before we write the next...I dunno 20,000?  Who can say. As we've said before, we can see the end, and that is no small thing. We need an election, winter prep, winter...The Mexican thing...a 1980 scene, two Air Force Officers talking, and a future history scene (we think) written in 2026.

1980 would show some serious building, probably a new city in Cairo Illinois (look at the map). Casper, WY is going to become the de-facto new capital and be renamed Rockefeller Capital Region or Rock CR. Census results. We'll hold an election without Rockefeller. Raeder(s) get the idea.

While we're reading The Great Nuclear War of 1975 we'll spend a week writing something or other for The Final Storm. No, we will not do the Managua Campaign this week. There are calls to make this it's own book, and the thought has crossed our mind. But no. Just no. I can't even. Literally, I can't even. I just don't think it'd be interesting enough or have enough material...what if it were wrapped up with some sort of book dealing with immediate post war issues? Given the success of the series, one should never dismiss a WW1990 book idea out of hand. 

We still don't know which WW1990 novel we're writing in 2021. Nothing but options. The Weser? This keeps with our plan to go forward one (Three Seas) back one (Nederland) forward (The Final Storm) back (The Weser)

The short story comp, Seven Stories of Communists, Military Mayhem and Satanic Scoundrels is almost ready to go. We've ordered the final proof (this is just to check formatting) and the Kindle version is being formatted. September 1st if we want. Sales seem to be tapering off a bit but overall remain strong. Honestly, after consultations we're not sure it matters when we put the compilation out.

We saw a new review for Castro's Folly which pointed out typos. Do people not understand how many edits these things go through, by myself and multiple persons paid to do the same? For the first time we've read about typos and didn't die inside a little. Maybe we're maturing.

*That is not a joke. That happened.

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