Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Media is Decadent and Depraved: William Stroock Edition

So a Google search reveals that the AP and NYT's stories on Inforos which referenced one of our articles went viral. Gee, wonder if these two information agencies (note the non-use of the term 'news') were coordinating. Here's our initial post on the matter. Note also the stories use  anonymous 'intel' sources. Becuase intel agencies have really done great work the last few decades, especially the last four years. Top men, there. Top men.

Even though the AP's Eric Tucker quotes one of our articles, linked here, he doesn't bother to contact us, to you know, ask questions. Eric Tucker could have at least given us proper attribution. We learned to do this our freshmen year at Wesley College when we covered sports for the school newspaper. It's even in the AP Style Guide, we have a copy. You know what's also in there? Who, What, Where, When, Why. It's sooooo easy.

For those wondering, yes we have discussed the matter with our editor, Maxim. In fact he first brought the article to our attention. 'Hey, Will, you made the papers,' he jovially messaged. Joviality is no mean feat for a Ruski. So reader(s) will also be wondering if Inforos has a bunch of links to the GRU and other assorted evil Russian agencies. Maxim denies it. So does the publisher. Here he is on Russian TV denying it, or so we're told (starts at about 2:30). Our opinion? We have no idea. And so what if the GRU, MVD, KGB, STAVKA and a host of Russian alphabet soup agencies are editing copy at Inforos. Let us repeat. So what?

We write news/opinion pieces about politics and culture in the US. We fell into writing a lot about the Democrat primaries and necessarily Joe Biden*. We became Maxim's man on the ground in America for what's happening here. See, we found a niche and filled it. Writers do that.

Or it's possible we're working closely with the Kremlin to undermine Joe Biden** to help re-elect Donald Trump. Because if there's one place Jews like us love, it's Russia. Jews always loved the Tsar and he loved us right back. Stalin too. Also, you know who makes a great Kremlin stooge? A guy who's written six (almost seven) alternate history novels about the Soviet Union getting it's ass kicked. Or this could be a case of plots within plots. For as the Tsar's Protocols of the Elders of Zion say, the Jew is clever.

*Creepy, racist, girl touching presumptive nominee in cognitive decline.
**Lovingly eulogized Klansmen Bobby Byrd and spoke well of Democrat Segregationist George Wallace.

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