Monday, August 3, 2020

Will's Russian Dream Journal...

...and evidence of a guilty conscience.

Last night we dreamt we took the train into Moscow and were hanging out in a nondescript room with some sort of Russian handler/guide. After a while we said we really should get back home. It was at this point we realized that doing so would require not only a quick train ride, but a long flight. 'How the hell did we get here?' we wondered. The Russian handler, definitely some sort of militya type as he was dressed in blue, asked us to stay, why not see Red Square? 'How close it is it?' we asked. He pointed out the window. We charged our phone, and the Moscow electricity converted it to Russian. On to Red Square we went, to get one hell of a selfie. Just wait till they see what we're doing to the Kremlin and St. Basil's in The Final Storm

Why can't we dream about tall, long limbed, high-cheek-boned blonde-haired, blue-eyed Siberian beauties who have never seen a man and need to be taught how to love?

[Oh my god. Folks, I'm sorry. Really, I try. There's nothing...there's just nothing I...SMH-Ed]

So after we briefed her on the AP's hit piece on Inforos, our Russian neighbor came over yesterday (clear evidence of our collusion with the Kremlin. Also a Jew, and you know how loyal we are to Moscow) and watched this Russia 24 news report with us. Turns out the first five minutes or so are all about Inforos. It's a pretty anodyne news report, unless one thinks Putin is ensconced in his undersea fortress getting ready to sea-jack nuclear submarines. The guy with the mustache that comes on at about 2:00 is a Kremlin spokesman. The gentlemen speaking at about 3:00 is Andrei Ilyashenko, the publisher. We're FB friends. You know news reports in America? This one was like that, but in Russian.

See, we had the clip translated because we wanted to know the facts. Also we thought we could make a fun blog post out of it.* We call this reporting. In doing so we learned that the story was picked up in Russia, and thought important enough by Putin for the Kremlin to comment. Heh, Putin was aware of something we wrote or at least someone close to him was. Are we colluding? We think we might be colluding. Anyway, we did the who, what, where, when, why, just like we were taught at Wesley College in 1993. Try it some time @etuckerAP. As you quoted one of our articles you could have at least called for comment, unless they're not doing that at the AP anymore. Which would surprise no one.

*Mission accomplished!

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