Sunday, August 9, 2020

Veep: Pointless and Uniformed Musings

Just why is it taking so long for Biden* to pick a veep? Previously Biden** said he'd announce the pick in the first week of August. Well it's the second week of August and nothing has happened.

There are reports of campaign infighting between factions who want Kamala Harris and those that hate Harris. Nobody likes Harris, so who can blame them? As Biden*** promised he'd pick a WOK, he really doesn't have many options. 

It is this blog's belief that the Democrats agree with our assessment of the political landscape and realize they're going to get shellacked this fall. Honestly, tax increases, high crime and supporting Antifa aren't great issues, not for the Dems. Not for Anybody. Now quick question, reader(s) and no peeking. Who was Goldwater's running mate in 1964? Who was Mondale's? Who was McGovern's? Yeah, being the bottom half of a ticket that get's destroyed is not a great career move. So Biden**** is having trouble finding a veep becuase it's quite possible  that candidates with a future just don't want the gig.

At this point we think Biden***** will pick Susan Rice. This puts the Obama wing of the party back in charge, fulfills Biden's****** promise to pick a WOC, and satisfy the bicoastal white liberal elite who think the eight years prior to Trump were just great!

Or....he could chose failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. She think's she's the rightful governor of Georgia, a talking point embraced by all Dems now. Abrams has nowhere to go and has been campaigning for the gig without subtlety, discretion or class for months. Why not?

Also there are late breaking rumors that Biden******* has interviewed Governor Gretchen (Nurse Ratchet) Widmer. But she's white, so no.

One last thing, if Biden******** must have a WOC, there's always Warren. Picking Warren would send Democrat women of a certain age off the reservation and on the warpath. When Warren gives her acceptance speech at the DNC, delegates could do the Tomahawk chop. Ha!

[Sorry folks. He just can't help himself...bloody knobhead-ed]


**Bragged about working with Democrat Segregationists

***Eulogized Klansmen and noted Civil Rights Act filibusterer Bobby Byrd

****Says if you don't vote for him then you ain't black

*****Asked black interviewer if he should take a drug test

****** Told black audience Romney would 'put ya'll back in chains'

*******Said he didn't want his kids to go to school in a racial jungle 

******** Said people would like Obama becuase he was 'the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy'

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