Monday, August 10, 2020

Writing & Riots

Greetings from the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction where the Berkshire's pastoral splendor continues to amaze. 

Well, we're afraid the national news isn't good. Mr Andy Ngo, who risks his life every night to bring us news of the riots in Portland, informs us that Antifa is rioting in Chicago and Seattle as well. We don't want to be mean....

[Yes you do-Ed]

...but this is what the progressive SJW virtue signalers voted for. You all know the HL Menken quote and it certainly applies here. We expect to see more mostly peaceful riots this fall and certainly in November after Trump wins.  It's coming folks. It's coming. On the positive, here's what happens when Antifa runs into Americans. Man, you guys chose the wrong town. Just watch all those meat eating, beer swilling, blue collar guys whose idea of a good time is lifting weights and working on their cars beat the ever living crap out of those LARPing soi bois. We think we heard some cross-talk about a kid's birthday party being interrupted. Big mistake. This blog has maintained for three years that Antifa exists at the right's pleasure. And so it is.

We'll bring The Great Nuclear War of 1975 along this week. Lot's of meetings, lots of talking. We're fascinated by that sort of thing and you people say you like all the meetings. Well, you're getting a lot of meetings in this one. We're also showing things turning around a bit. We think the subtext of the summer and fall of '76 is the need to prepare for the winter.

We'll finish the Kazakh* coup chapter this week (we think). The  good news here is that since Kazakhstan is loaded with Muslims, the chapter can have nihilistic Jihadi assassins and truck driving suicide bombers. So we can dispatch Alma Ata's KGB headquarters in short order. There will be some differentiation from the Georgia coup chapter which features plucky rebels fighting mad.

*Go ahead, make some Borat jokes. 

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