Friday, September 25, 2020

Call a 'lid' on the Debate

Stephen L Miller notes:

#Biden has 'called a lid' on his campaign already today. He's definitely running a low energy, Matlock is on at 3 PM and I need my nap before then, campaign. 

There's a tendency among the GOP to think the Dem's are up to something nefarious, that there are plans within plans that we just don't see. But it's also possible they're just this incompetent.

The Dems claim Biden is doing debate prep. Bullshit, as the president would say. One can prepr, say, on the flight from Wilmington to Detroit. Unless Biden needs his nap time.

In his last debate against Bernie Sanders, Biden was more or less ok.

Here's what we wrote about Joe last winter:

Biden was tested during Sunday Night’s debate. For once, Bernie Sanders attacked him directly. But voters are usually uninterested in twenty-five-year-old votes and the minutiae of campaign finance laws. Biden kept listing the things he would do, prefacing each point with ‘First’ and running on until ‘Second’ and so on. Sanders, who has been saying the exact same socialist things since 2016, didn’t really land a decent punch. Biden certainly got the better of the debate and almost certainly won the nomination, despite everything. Watching the man during the debate, one hand on the podium, the other in his pocket while he smirked at Sanders, one got the sense that Biden thinks he’s good at this.
Sanders is a wimp. He never had the guts to really punch Joe in the face like Harris did. Trump will do that every time he speaks, were Biden to actually attend the debate.

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