Thursday, September 24, 2020

College Republican Girls are Hot

You know, you wake up in the morning, get your coffee, not sure what you want to blog, tired of gaming the Supreme Court and not wanting to talk politics, start a post not really knowing where it's gonna go...

Lots of riots last night. Andy Ngo is as good a place to start as any. The riots are organized and spreading. Louisville doesn't seem to have been as bad as it could have been. Aside from...

We have in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, New York City, California, a gaggle of incredibly incompetent leaders pouring gasoline on the fire. These people are defunding the police even as their cities burn. Summer of love indeed, as Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin said. What is it about these people that they're incapable of realizing they've made mistakes, what they tried didn't work, and they should try something else? 

The pandemic, the riots, these have long term consequences as important as those of the 1960s. The nation is changing and we're here to see it.  We were there, we'll say one day.

With the looming Supreme Court battle, we're seeing the Democrats fade, the legions of Rome in the 5th century. Some say the GOP should skip the hearings. While we are aroused by the Fuck You factor, doing so would be a tactical mistake. Let the Dems look like catholic hating bigots as they grill Amy Coney Barrett on the dogma. KAMala Harris sits on the Judiciary Committee.

We were racking our brain for ways the Dems would attack judge Barrett. Not even these people could claim she was part of a satanic rape cult. Right? But Colonel Schlichter, PBUH,  says they're gonna dig up a drunken college hookup or some other romantic episode from Barrett's past. 'See, she's a hypocrite!' Willie Brown's girlfriend will shout with glee and without any self awareness or sense of irony. Good god, Dems really think Conservatives are sitting on the town council in Footloose. The Colonel goes on to describe what Friday nights are like at CPAC. 

Back in the mid 90's we were a College Republican and friends with people high up in the national CR hierarchy. The national chair came to a party at our apartment once. Our point is we knew what was going on. You know what national CR conferences really were? Excuses to drink and hook up. 

One reporter in attendance described the girls in their cocktail dresses, hair done up and remarked, 'The idea seems to be to get Jack Kemp to notice you from the stage.' There was this one young lady, a southern blonde, with sharp blue eyes, high cheek bones, readers will get the idea. One of our buddies married her. She's now a very important chief of something or other in the US Senate. We're no longer in touch.

As the Supreme Court nomination ends with a whimper not a bang, we see the election heading that way too....that's despite Dem's cheat-by-mail. We think by late afternoon/evening the day after, even the media will be saying, 'I just don't see where Biden makes up the deficit.' The Establishment keeps talking about a 'Red Mirage' and a 'Blue Wave'. Ok, maybe. But when are these people ever right? Hillary! had a 97.8% chance of winning, don't ya know.

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