Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Daily Rundown: People are Complicated Edition

A decent first day of virtual school. We may not invoice the bastards.

The thing about gout is it leaves residual damage, so after it's gone, the muscles still need to heal and one is still limping and left not thinking as one normally would. Also one's mood is well...After seeing one of those big-pharma ads listing 'fatal brain bleeding' as a possible side effect we looked into the side effects of our own arsenal of drugs. We're not pleased. Many of the medications are actively working against one another. One pill leads to insomnia. The pill we take for the insomnia raises cholesterol. Another makes it hard to lose weight...Reader(s) will get the idea.

About the biggest shock we had after the cardio-guy roto-rootered our artery and told us we had to make some changes came when we said, 'So no eggs, red meat, that sort of thing.' He replied, 'Oh no, red meat is not problem.' That's a direct quote. 'Excuse me?' We replied. We got him to admit it's pretty much genetics.

Nobody knows fuck-all about anything.

A chill wind blows through the land as Angkor promises violence, legal shenanigans and electoral intrigue when Trump wins in November. What October surprise looms before then? Overall how bad will it get? We don't know. Also given that Angkor's plans are now conventional wisdom, doesn't that negate Angkor's plans? Maybe. After all these people are never right. Buy guns and ammo, as Colonel Schlichter would say.

We gotta read less about politics and more about The War Between the States. Huh, the sesesh actually did recruit a few black companies here or there and there were freedman who were loyal Confederates. Don't take my word for it, read Jay Winik's April 1865. He ain't no sesesh.

Lots of great work yesterday on the Managua front. Set up scenes written. Now, what is Granma doing? Also, how do we show Flavio and his merry band of Cuban rebels? Blowing up something is too easy, right? This sets the scene for World War 1990: The Managua Campaign. We'll need a chapter that sets things up for World War 1990: Esercito Italiano.

Also, we wrote a Fredericksburg scene for The Great Nuclear War o 1975. We gotta do a scene where Rockefeller's staff talks about the need to find the man some....female companionship. Lemme put it this way, Clinton, Rockefeller....we'd hate to live off the difference. Of course Rockefeller never flew Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express plane to Pedo island and Bill did. Also, Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


  1. Thought I'll ask you this watching paranormal caught on tape and they were talking about the ghost trucks on clinton road in new Jersey have you ever heard these stories

  2. Don't know it. But Mrs Stroock is from Dover Delaware, that place is haunted as hell, + with the AFB you see some weird stuff in the sky, man.

  3. When I was stationed at 29 palms I saw I lot of weird stuff flying at night but wether it was UFOs or the military trying out new planes I could not say
