Thursday, September 10, 2020

Angkor Flails

Sometimes we feel like we're running around a Spanish cemetery looking for Arch Stanton. One of our close friends didn't get the reference, the uncultured barbarians. We are giving up on French and tempted to toss our guitars.

It is now clear there will be a new 'scandal' every week. Good luck with that. And fuck all, Schiff for Brains says there's a new whistle blower. Angkor learns nothing and forgets nothing.

Interesting polls showing Trump gaining massively with Black and Latin voters, but losing with whites, wine moms, etc. How is that possible? How is Biden peeling off white people? What has he done to do that? He hasn't done anything, so what we're seeing is shy plus mischievous Trump voters. Angkor knows it's going to get killed. Expect violence, act accordingly (EVAC).

Don Surber points out that even Nate Silver says right now the election is 269 to 268 electoral votes. Remember, in 2016 Nate Silver was wrong and Will Stroock was right. Always believe Will Stroock. Data died in 2016. Take your data and shove in your data hole.

We see the Oscars are instituting all kinds of race quotas to be qualified for best picture. Whatever, man. We've gone out of our way to include POC in our novels, we are one after all. Our people come from the desert. It calls to us. We can hear the desert right now, 'Come to me, Will. Wander me for 40 years as your ancestors once did.' Don't believe us on the POC thing? Well, the sun loves us. I mean we tan a nice apricot color. Try that with an Irish guy. And no decent mid-century country club would have allowed us to use the front entrance. What we mean to say is, we ain't white.

Anyway. Remember Colonel McGee, the TN National Guard Commander in Castro's Folly? We made him a Nashville lawyer, and law partner. A black man commanding a TN NG battalion in 1990 is no small thing. We just thought it added character. In A Line Through the Desert, Jake commands a tank with Cueves and Veras, because adding black guy would have been too obvious. 'Ha, I see what your doing!' the reader would have said. Recall the two ship commanders in To Defend the Earth....Why not?

A fan strongly urges us to do Palmerston's War next year. That's the plan. But we plan, god laughs. That would requite a December of research or re-research, to get us in the mood, get the ju-ju so to speak. At this point it'll be The Great Nuclear War of 1975 followed by The Final Storm....which means Palmerston's War would come next and then The Weser. We really think we could crank out The Weser fast. There's lots of good things happening with The Final Storm, right now. We need to do some Crimea stuff, we think, use that to lead into the Italians and set the stage for Esercito Italian. Setting the stage for the post WWIII books is at least 1/3 of The Final Storm's purpose.

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