Sunday, September 27, 2020

Judge this Mother !@#$#@

Just a great afternoon for Trump, Judge Barrett and America. A pitch-perfect speech from the judge. What a beautiful family, and if we may say so, what a beautiful woman. Wow.

Ouch! Ach! Stop hitting me!

[You knobhead. You have the chance to transform the court and all you have to say is, 'Dude, she's hot'-Ed]

We caught a bit of CNN yesterday. The Dems are acting as expected. We expect refusals to meet with the judge and even a boycott of the hearings. Chuck Schumer says Judge Barrett is a threat to Abortion and Obamacare. Do the Dems really want to run on Obamacare? When they did that in 2010 the GOP gave them a historical shellacking. We dare you, Senator. Chuck, we're laughing at the superior intellect.*

Already the knives are out for Judiciary committee ranking member Diane Feinstein. Jeffrey Toobin (the one who knocked up his colleague's daughter) said Feinstein's dogma crack turned Judge Barrett into a folk hero. We guess the dogma doesn't live loudly within Feinstein.  We saw someone say Kamala Harris should lead the Dem inquisition against Barrett. Mistake, big mistake. Harris is a dingbat who owes her success to the men with whom she fornicated.

And the dogma will be the theme of the next few weeks. The Dems just won't be able to help themselves. Ms. Venezuela and the rest of the Woke lunatics couldn't care less about mandates and premiums and they want Medicare for all anyway. No, for the Dems the confirmation will be about the judge's Catholicism and whatever else they can come up with. They're already attacking Judge Barrett for having two adopted black children. No surprise. The Dems have always opposed integration. As noted before, Col Schlichter, who is always right, predicts they'll find some drunken college drunken hookup in Judge Barrett's past and run with it.


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