Saturday, September 5, 2020

Saturday Updates

We are back from the beach where we had a gout attack and our computer broke down.

Hence the absence of activity on this blog. We are writing this on Middle Daughter's Chrome Book. So bear with us.

It looks like the Dem's October surprise came early. That's how much trouble racist, rapist Slo-Joe Hiden'-Biden is in. If you believe their story, published by a lying, dog faced pony-solider like The Atlantic editor Geoffrey Goldberg, well, can we interest you in some Arkansas swampland? Also, this blog has done some real gumshoe journalism, and can report, via a trio of reliable yet anonymous sources, that Geoffrey Goldberg dresses in women's clothing and hangs around in bars, but only on the weekends. We later had the story confirmed by other anon sources.

After reading about The War of Northern Aggression up through Antietam, we think we're too tough on McClellan.  We're on a new book now, dear god, Fredericksburg. There's no way the Young Napoleon was worse than Burnside. Grant would have launched a holding attack and slid south. Right? The Wilderness is one thing, but there's no way he would have crossed a river under enemy guns and then attacked up slope.

We've decided we need a little more political intrigue in The Final Storm, and this would be a good place to introduce Senator Al Gore, who will be the Dem nominee in the World War 1990 election in '92. We know exactly how the race goes.

We no longer believe we'll have The Great Nuclear War of 1975 done by 21 September.

Since our computer was out, we did some productive outlining of Palmerston's War. We have four stories:

-The Battle of Washington DC, British army advances on west back of Potomac while ANOVA advances north then west looking for place to cross. Lots of ship to shore action. Who sees the two massive mistakes the Limeys are making?

-Contraband, in which a British warship deals with runaway slaves

-The Hudson River Campaign

-Ambassador CF Adams in London dealing with the British

-Something Great Lakes

-Something Great Sioux Uprising

Ideas welcome.


  1. The biggest mistake I see is attacking washington at all there are more important places such as Philly or Boston or New Orleans

  2. Don't know how you work it in but could you imagine how some aristocrat officer having to work with someone like Forrest
