Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Joe Biden: Do I look like a Radical Socialist with a Soft Spot for Rioters?

No, Joe. You look like a lying dog-faced pony solder.

Will said Joe would fuck up the speech and he fucked up the speech. When Will says something will happen, it's becuase that thing will happen. Powerline has Jim Crow Joe's on air mini stroke. Yesterday was Dukakis in the tank and the biggest one day campaign disaster we've ever seen. We'd compare it to Pearl Harbor but Pearl Harbor was sneaky. When Trump knifes you he does it right in the gut, while looking you in the eye.* 

You'd have to be an inhuman monster not to laugh at Joe, a career grifter, intellectual lightweight, segregationist and brazen racist. Are we being cruel? You betcha!** We're no crueler than Jill Biden, who allows here diminished husband to be trotted out before the cameras. The Dems can't go on like this, yet they must. Keep Joe and they get embarrassed and humiliated. Remove Joe and they have to go with Sanders. Don't go with Sanders and the left of the party revolts. They might as well lose with Joe***.

We know your pain, Dems. That sinking feeling in the gut. That blackhole in your heart. The worry. The desperate search for some bit of good news. The panic....the panic....We know the feeling Dems, and we're glad you have it. We're so very glad. The Germans have a word for this, no? 

[Don't you think you're going too far?-Ed]

No. As Algore once said, you've got to rip their lungs out.

A nice enough day at the beach. The Oakridge Boys played in the park across the street, making for a very pleasant evening sitting out in the breeze. A pair of F-18s out of Maguire flew overhead. Heck, 30 years ago this summer we watched A-10s fly over this beach. The first time we'd ever scene them in the flesh. Back then an ex-marine ran the condo and pool, big, gruff barrel chested old guy right out of central casting. He taught us diving, I mean it was like boot camp. He just made us do it over and over again till he was satisfied we got it. Our point is we asked him about the A-10s. We're trying to remember what we were reading here that year...hmmm, usually we can recall that sort of thing. Yesterday we were sitting in the very same spot at the pool where in 1986 we plowed through Dennis L. McKiernan's The Dark Tide, just about the first real novel we ever read. 

We broke The Final Storm log jam. The first half of the book needs a chapter updating things with the Poles and Czechs, the Army of the Danube, and introducing a character or two we'll see in future novels.

Our study of the War of the Rebellion continues. Well those were some interesting maneuvers leading up to Second Manassas. Fascinating. This blog will take Pope over McClellan. Man, we thought MacArthur was a headcase. 

*Ask Jeb!.


***He's a racist.

1 comment:

  1. The biggest reason that the men loved little mac was after the humiliation of first Manassas he gave the men pride in themselves again
