Friday, September 18, 2020

Will Goes the Full Ruski

So some chair moistener tagged me in a post in which he accused me of spreading Russian disinformation. Here's what happened next: 

Never try to out crazy Will. 

He seems nice, by the way.

Speaking of moose, our neighbor up in the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction spotted a moose down by the docks:

And our last Russian angle, here's the very latest bit of collusion with the Kremlin and GRU:

In a ceremony held on the White House’s South Lawn, Israel signed the Abraham Accords with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain thereby establishing normal diplomatic relations between the Arab Kingdoms and the Jewish State. Both the Jewish and Arab peoples are descended from Abraham. The choice of venue is deeply significant as this was the site of the historic Camp David Accord signing of 1977, and the signing of the Oslo Accords by Israel and the PLO in 1994. In a press conference held shortly after the signing ceremony, President Trump speculated that several other Arab nations would soon join the Abraham Accords and establish normal diplomatic relations with Israel, ‘We’ll have at least five or six Arab countries coming along very quickly,’ he said. The Abraham Accords put an end to the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s dream of a Greater Palestine.

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