Sunday, September 6, 2020

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 9/6/20

We're working with Google Docs on our 10 yr old's Chromebook. 

We're pursuing two items at the moment, both in The Final Storm universe. First we're writing the Al Gore* scenes we talked about, and using This Week with David Brinkley** to frame them. While Sam Donaldson has appeared in our work before as 'Bloviating Hair Maniac,' back then there was a certain integrity to the man's work. George Will helped make us conservative. Cokie Roberts, well, the children of the rich and powerful are often elevated beyond their talents. She would have made a great entertainment reporter, we concede.

We're also doing a Central America/Cuban/Granma chapter to lay the ground work for, given sales, World War 1990: The Managua Campaign would make sense. Since we have nothing but time. Besides, people are going to want to know what happened down there and those guys need a chapter describing such.

* Not Algore. This is about sane Al Gore, pre-1996 Al Gore. Anyone else remember how he was pretty normal in the first term but turned into an over-aggressive jerk in the 2nd? That's when he started lifting weights too. We think Gore's problem was roid-rage. Something sure as hell changed about the man.

**Or Huntley-Brinkley as our grandmother used to call it.

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