Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Your Combined NFL Ratings and Joe Biden 'Episode' Report for 9/16/20

Remember how NFL ratings for Sunday night were down 28%? Well that wasn't a fluke. Ratings were down 20% for Monday night. Go ahead and have a morning drink Roger. You need it. You earned it. Dear NFL owners: It's your league. You own it. If the players want to politicize it you have every right to tell them to get fucked. And as we see by the ratings every reason to as well. Oh, and you can fire Roger Goodell if you want, too. You could, you should!

By now you've all seen the footage of both Biden and Harris referencing the Harris Administration. Powerline has the vid. They said the quiet part out loud. We have written rather extensively here and in Inforos about the Democrat primaries in a thus far failed effort to understand how we got to this point. We finally heard a good explanation yesterday. Angkor wanted KAMala Harris to win, but she's such a horrible campaigner, and soooo unlikable, she could only get 7% in the California polls.

Ace* has a good rundown on Senile Joe's senility issues and breakdowns on camera. Yesterday he slipped, thought it was 2012, and talked about reelecting Obama/Biden. Angkor cannot let this go on, yet it must. In its heart, Angkor wants Harris. But remove Joe and by rights Sanders would take his place. So Harris is a no-go. Yet Angkor could never accept Sanders. They can't let a loud socialist head the ticket. Angkor prefers quiet socialists. Also the party of Ilhan Omar isn't going to nominate al Yahud.

We haven't written much about the Abraham Accords. Needless to say they're momentous. Last night we cranked out a piece on them for our GRU handlers at Inforos, but haven't heard back. We hope to see the article out today but don't bet the mortgage payment on that. Our GRU contact does not see the Middle East as we do, though extolling the virtues of Trump's deal does undermine Biden, so perhaps the Kremlin will approve. If the article goes up, we'll celebrate with vodka and potatoes.

We received the August royalties report yesterday, and while sales are down from July, they're not down all that much. In fact sales of Three Seas are coming back a bit this month. We really should get off our butt and give Nederland the final read through. There's no reason not to move the release date up at least a few weeks. Progress this week on The Final Storm is good. Winter 2021 no doubt.

*No excuse for not reading Ace of Spades. None whatsoever.

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