Friday, September 11, 2020

Your Post for 'That Day'

We said everything we have to say about this day last year. Was anyone really thinking about Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1960? We have nothing left. We're done. We don't care anymore.

Trump is bringing home more troops from that craphole and negotiating with the Taliban to end the war. Good.

Yesterday Oldest Daughter said she wanted to get her hair 'feathered' which prompted both Mrs Stroock and ourselves to laugh and ask if the year was 1981. This sent us off in search of pics of feathered hair, and then Farrah Fawcett and kicked off an unnecessarily long discussion of Charlie's Angels and the social impact thereof, leaving Mrs. Stroock to wonder why we know so much about Charlie's Angels. Well duh, and the internet didn't exist in 1987, but Charlie's Angels reruns did. We've always been a Kate Jackson man. 

Apropos of nothing we decided to start watching Dallas yesterday. Younger reader(s), there's no getting across just what a big deal Dallas was for a decade. Walk up to anyone under 40 and ask, 'Who shot JR?' Trust us. The opening theme alone is a classic.  We're whistling it right now and Mrs. Stroock is giving us the 'really?' look. The credits will go straight to your brain. Victoria Principal, my god but we were too young to appreciate her at the time. A goddess.  Also, Patrick Duffy's hair is glorious. We asked our Texas friend where we can get one of those fur-lined, brown, rawhide dusters. He was not amused. Being a Yankee, we're not even allowed to wear one. He's from Houston and informs us that Houston hates Dallas. 

The NFL opened last night. We didn't watch. Decorum prevents us from saying what we think the NFL should do, but lets just say it involves a goat, a chicken, a length of rope and a hell of a lot of fake blood. This blog doesn't need a field of socially promoted millionaire abusers lecturing it on race relations. Remember this is the league that gave Ray Rice two games for punching out his fiancĂ© but Tom Brady four games because he might have known some balls were slightly deflated.  Someone's balls are a lot more than slightly deflated, Roger Goodell. NFL owners, given the state of things, you really think Goodell is worth 40 mil a year?

Screw them and screw you NFL. Go do something anatomically impossible.

Angkor must really be desperate. Last night one of Racist Joe's campaign lickspittles went on Brett Baer and got slaughtered. Joe was also interviewed by Jake News Tapper, where he admitted that Trump's USMCA is a better deal than NAFTA. The ad just writes itself. Can't anybody play this game? And people think Trump isn't going to go all Sherman's March on the Son of Segregation.

Speaking of, we just read about the fall [Liberation-Ed] of Richmond.  The Union army sent several black units into the city. That is Trump level trolling, people. Slaves rejoiced, a few went looking for the white children they cared for. A smattering of reedmen were just as distraught as the whites. It was their country too. People are complicated. So Lincoln sails to Richmond, is led through town by a procession of slaves who think they're seeing the messiah, and then sits in Jeff Davis' chair. That dang Yankee. Mrs. Lee's home was saved and put under guard to prevent looting.

1 comment:

  1. The comment about freedmen is something most people from the north just don't realize about white and black southerns we have more in common with each other than we have divisions we eat the same food go to the same churches and have the same background experiences and because of this dispite our past I really believe now we get along better than the rest of the country you don't see too many of these so call blm roiting and looting in Southern cities
