Thursday, September 10, 2020

Halo Top Grosses out America

We've run multiple ad campaigns in print and on digital platforms. In doing so we've made ourselves a midlist author with a fan base that buys everything we write . We've sold thousands of books and have had millions of pages read; this year. We know something about advertising. But Halo Top yogurt doesn't:

All we had to do is search 'yogurt + fat dancer'.

What is this commercial's message? Eat our yogurt (or lite ice cream) and feel good being fat? This commercial is disgusting, repulsive, nobody wants to see this. Director Jason Koenig think's he's being 'edgy' and 'transgressive but he's just being gross. Go ahead, do it with a fat guy, we dare you.

No, fat is not something to be proud of. Fat is not healthy. Fat is dangerous. We write that as someone who's been fat, who's had terrible vitals, who's lost lots of weight and who just had a salad for lunch. This girl didn't.

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