Friday, October 9, 2020

Cuomo and De Blasio to Jews: Drop Dead has the skinny on the Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China here in New Jersey. Nut graph as the J-school losers say, the Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China is making a comeback here. The 'second wave' has arrived. 

Read the article and one will see the outbreaks are concentrated in Ocean, Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. We're seeing a small spike here in Somerset County as well. Monmouth County's surge comes courtesy of Monmouth University. Big-10 powerhouse Rutgers is in Middlesex County, so... notes the Ocean County spike is centered on Lakewood, which is code for the Hasidic Jewish community.

We slammed Hasidic Jews in the spring but won't do so now. In New York, Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio are rounding up Jews and shutting down their synagogues. The Hasidic Jews there are openly defiant and protesting in the streets. Good, and shame on the NYPD for enforcing an unconstitutional order. What part of 'Congress shall make no law' is unclear?

Of course this author is Jewish, Conservative Jewish. It's our religion. But we were raised Reform secular. We maintain our Judaism because that's what the family has done for millennia. We know this because DNA tests show our father is 95% Ashkenazi Jew. Our Jewish heritage goes right back to Abraham.  Our three daughters attend Hebrew school and know more about Judaism than we ever will. It's important to us. But it's our religion only. We've always been an American first.

Hasidic Jews live their lives by the Torah and Talmud. Everything they do is dictated by the Jewish law. We don't live that way, and having taught at a Yeshiva, we don't particularly like them. That's not the point. What Cuomo and De Blasio are doing is...well...reminiscent.


  1. After watching all the northern cities getting burn down in riots by blm and now this and people still call the South racist and backwards the good people of the North need to take a long look at themselves instead of hating on us back woods rednecks all the time

  2. Oh Boy this that ever a good point. As I've said before, Jews were welcomed in the south.

  3. Still are if you ever decide to move come to Tennessee you will love it down here
