Friday, October 16, 2020

Embracing the Horror Part IV: Changes...Time to make a Change...Ch-Ch Changes

Ok, that was lame.

For the record we believe the map below is a hell of a lot closer to what'll happen on 3 November than anything the big guys are predicting:

Don Surber thinks 37 states. Maybe.

But if Biden wins we're gonna make some changes. We're gonna stop letting politics take up so much mental space. We're gonna lay off the Twitter feed and the blogs. These can get us hooked at 7:15 in the morning and keep us hooked all day. It's ridiculous to worry about something we cannot control.*

So here's the plan. We'll still go to Breitbart, but from there we'll visit the NY Post, Epoch Times, CNBC, and finally Zero Hedge. No more morning Twitter and blogs. We'll save those for our after-dinner coffee. In our experience they're much more enjoyable that way, like dad's after work newspaper while mom's getting dinner ready.


What? Mom cooks dinner, dad does the dishes. Everything is as it should be.

We can do this. Twenty years ago we lived and died by the New York Yankees. We didn't watch one inning this year.

*We're doing that right now, actually

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